It is a part of the Asian bodywork therapy that works on the theory that our body has acupoints, where the energy flow of our body is concentrated, and they are located at the channels or meridians, the energy lines of our whole system. The meridian begins at your fingertips, lead to your brain and then to different body organs. We provide you with acupressure therapy. We help you heal with this method; Mr. Kamal K Anand has learned and practiced the technique. The therapy consists of two more parts, that is, stretching and massage. Our practitioner helps you overcome your illness or any other problem that the blockage of the meridian is causing, using his expertise in the required field. The practitioner uses his fingers, palms, elbows, feet or other devices to exert pressure to eliminate the blockage at your acupoints. There are no artificial medicines required but your cooperation. It helps you to relieve the pain as well as heal you.